Websites of the Greater Ottawa Christian Community

"Let us not give up meeting together... but let us encourage one another" Hebrews 10:25, NIV

    September 8, 2023

    Well folks, the website hasn't had an update for two years. The fact is, I'm now 75 and have been maintaining this site since my initial "experiment" in 1997, when I found six churches with websites, something new in the world - for me, the internet was new and my own church had had a website for less than a year. The move to secure websites has confounded the program I had been using to find listings that had disappeared, so I'm no longer able to easily determine whther a site has disappeared or gone to a secure site (https as opposed to http). And with 432 plus entries, doing it line by line isn't practical

    It looked for a while like I had a volunteer to take over the site, but unfortunately that has not materialized.

    So, to make a not-too-short story not-too-long, I'm retiring this portion of my Christian activity. I'm still busy, mind you, maintaining at the moment four websites as well as being an elder, musician, member of several teams/committees in my own church, serving my denomination's local level in two capacities, it's regional level in two capacities, and it's national level on a major committee. Over the next year or so I'll be cutting back on these too.

    Blessings on you all, and your congregations!

    Gord Walford,
    Nepean ON


maintained 1997 - 2022 by Gord Walford



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